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The main principles on which the state policy in the field of social protection of victims of the Chernobyl disaster and creation of living and working conditions in the contaminated territories are based are:


the priority of the lives and health of people who suffered from the Chernobyl disaster, the full responsibility of the state for creating safe and harmless working conditions;


comprehensive solution of tasks of health protection, social policy and use of contaminated territories based on state target programs on these issues and taking into account other areas of economic and social policy, achievements in the field of science and environmental protection;


social protection of people, full compensation for damage to persons who suffered as a result of the Chernobyl disaster;


the use of economic methods to improve life by implementing a policy of preferential taxation for citizens who suffered as a result of the Chernobyl disaster and their associations;


implementation of measures for professional reorientation and improvement of qualifications of the affected population;


ensuring the coordination of the activities of state bodies, institutions, organizations and associations of citizens solving various problems of social protection of the affected population, as well as cooperation and consultations between state bodies and the victims (their representatives), between all social groups when making decisions on social protection at the local and state levels;


international cooperation in the fields of health care, social protection, labor protection, use of world experience in the organization of work on these issues.


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