Public union All-Ukrainian union disabled people of Chernobyl"
(New edition)
1.1 The public union "All-Ukrainian Union of Disabled People of Chernobyl" (hereinafter referred to as the Union) is a non-profit, independent, self-governing organization that unites citizens based on the common interests of its participants (members) to implement the goals and tasks provided for in this Statute. The union unites disabled people from among citizens who suffered as a result of the Chernobyl disaster, children who suffered as a result of the Chernobyl disaster, veterans from among participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, participants in hostilities and participants of anti-terrorist operation from among those affected as a result of the Chernobyl disaster, other nuclear tests, members of the families of the dead and deceased participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP and participants of the ATO, who united to implement measures for social protection, rehabilitation of the above-mentioned veterans and disabled people, their involvement in socially useful activities, physical education and sports, for the protection legitimate social, medical, economic and other common interests, solving problems related to the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and participation in anti-terrorist operations, as well as for the exercise of the rights and freedoms of all the above-mentioned persons.
1.2. The full name of the Union is the Public Union "All-Ukrainian Union of Disabled People of Chornobyl".
1.3. The abbreviated name is GS "VSYCH".
1.4. The name in English is "All - Ukrainian Union of Chernobyl invalids".
1.5. The public union "All-Ukrainian Union of Disabled People of Chernobyl" was created and operates in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "On Public Associations", the Law of Ukraine "On the Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons of Ukraine", the Law of Ukraine "On the Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Disabled Persons and the Optional Protocol to it" ", the Law of Ukraine On Social Services", the Order of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine dated November 13, 2013 No. 760 "On the Approval of the State Standard of Care at Home", other legislative and regulatory acts and this Statute.
1.6. The union is created and operates on the basis of voluntariness, equality of its participants (members), self-governance, legality, electability and accountability of governing bodies, transparency in work.
1.7. The union acquires the rights of a legal entity from the moment of state registration in accordance with current legislation, has its own seal, stamps and forms with its own name, accounts, including in foreign currency in banking institutions, its own symbols. The symbols of the Union are registered in accordance with the procedure established by law.
1.8. The activities of the Union extend to the territory of Ukraine.
1.9. Organizational and legal form: public union.
1.10. The union has the right to enter into agreements (deeds), acquire property and non-property rights, bear obligations, be a plaintiff and a defendant in court, own funds and other property, open bank accounts in national and foreign currency on its own behalf.
1.11. Legal address of the Union: 01196, Kyiv, Lesya Ukrainka Square, 1
2.1 The main purpose of the Union's activity is to carry out measures to promote social protection and rehabilitation of the disabled and veterans specified in clause 1.1 of the Statute, to involve them in socially useful activities, physical education and sports, to protect legitimate interests and to provide assistance to members of the Union specified in clause 1.1 of this Charter, to their families in solving social, household, medical, economic (material) and other problems.
2.2 The main areas of activity of the Union are:
2.2.1. Collection and systematization of information about citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster, nuclear tests and persons exposed to ionizing radiation during work or service, who live on the territory of Ukraine.
2.2.2. Identification of medical, social and household problems. Development and financing of targeted programs for their implementation for members of the Union.
2.2.3. Satisfaction and protection of legitimate social, economic, creative, age-related, national-cultural, sports and other common interests of Union members.
2.2.4. Studying and using the experience of foreign countries in the creation of systems of social, medical and material rehabilitation of veterans and disabled citizens who suffered as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and participants of the anti-terrorist operation and their implementation on the territory of Ukraine.
2.2.5. Facilitation of the implementation and participation in the implementation of state programs and departmental decisions on issues of social - household, economic, medical support of citizens who suffered as a result of the Chernobyl disaster and participants of the ATO.
2.2.6 Revival of the history of work, courage and self-sacrifice of the participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the participants of the anti-terrorist operation. Informing the public through mass media about their fate and problems.
2.2.7. Promotion of social and economic protection of the disabled, veterans and participants of the anti-terrorist operation specified in clause 1.1.
2.2.8. Facilitating the rehabilitation of disabled persons, veterans and participants of anti-terrorist operation specified in clause 1.1.
2.2.9. Involvement of disabled people, veterans and participants of anti-terrorist operation specified in clause 1.1 of the Statute in socially useful activities.
2.2.10. Protection of legitimate interests and provision of assistance to members of the Union specified in clause 1.1 of this Statute and their families in solving social, household, medical, economic (material) and other problems.
2.3. In order to fulfill the goals and tasks stipulated by this Statute, the Union, in accordance with the procedure established by law, may:
2.3.1. Participate in the discussion of draft laws and other regulatory acts in accordance with the statutory tasks.
2.3.2. Act in state and judicial bodies as a plaintiff to protect the rights and interests of Union members and enterprises and organizations created by the Union.
2.3.3. To hold appropriate meetings, rallies, hikes, festivals, seminars, symposia, lectures, interviews, discussions, conversations for the satisfaction and protection of legitimate social, creative, age-related, nationally-cultural and other common interests of Union members.
2.3.4. Contribute to the improvement of living conditions, household and medical services for the citizens specified in clause 1.1, as well as in providing them with tickets to sanatoriums and health facilities.
2.3.5. To conduct a public examination of the project and adopted decisions of the authorities on social, household, economic, material and medical support of citizens who suffered as a result of the Chernobyl disaster, nuclear tests and persons exposed to ionizing radiation during work or service and their families involving the necessary specialists.
2.3.6. To provide assistance to members of the Union in accordance with the statutory activities.
2.3.7. To carry out economic and other commercial activities by creating enterprises and other industrial and economic structures as legal entities whose activities are aimed at fulfilling the statutory tasks of the Union.
2.3.8. Carry out foreign economic activities in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. Enters into cooperation with foreign international organizations in accordance with international agreements adopted by Ukraine by establishing direct (direct) contacts with foreign firms, organizations, enterprises, medical centers, private individuals, religious denominations and charitable foundations, concludes agreements (contracts) with them for the implementation statutory tasks.
2.3.9. Enter with requests to any state and other commercial organizations to provide assistance to the Union to solve statutory tasks.
2.3.10. Engage in activities aimed at environmental protection.
2.3.11. To carry out the organization of the provision of social care services at home to the elderly, the disabled, and the sick (from the number of persons of working age for the period before the establishment of a disability group, but not more than four months), who are not capable of self-care and need constant external assistance, monitors and control over the quality of the provision of social care services at home, take part in determining the tariff for paid care services at home.
2.3.12. To carry out training related to the provision of social services to persons with disabilities and their relatives.
2.3.13. To promote the development and implementation of innovative projects for the provision of social services to the population.
2.3.14. Provide comprehensive legal assistance and free legal advice.
2.3.15. Organize and conduct sports competitions.
2.3.16. Organize and conduct festivals, concerts and other mass cultural events;
2.3.17. To organize and conduct patriotically - educational, educational events and competitions among pupils and student youth.
3.1. The union has the right:
3.1.1. to represent and protect their legitimate interests and the legitimate interests of their participants (members) in state bodies and in non-governmental organizations;
3.1.2. freely disseminate information about their activities, promote their goal(s);
3.1.4. apply to state authorities, local self-government bodies, their officials and officials with proposals (comments), statements (petitions), complaints in accordance with the procedure established by law;
3.1.5. to receive public information in the possession of subjects of authority, other administrators of public information in accordance with the procedure defined by law;
3.1.6. to participate, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation, in the development of draft legal acts issued by state authorities, authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local self-government authorities and related to the sphere of public association activity and important issues of state and public life;
3.1.7. to hold peaceful assemblies;
3.1.8. on a voluntary basis, establish unions, etc., including international ones, conclude agreements on cooperation and mutual assistance;
3.1.9. to maintain direct international contacts with organizations of other countries, conclude relevant agreements and participate in international events related to the activities of the Union, which do not contradict Ukraine's international obligations;
3.1.10. establish mass media;
3.1.11. enter into any transactions of a civil-law nature, acquire property and non-property rights necessary for the implementation of the Union's statutory tasks;
3.1.12. to receive on the terms of lease or temporary free use of buildings, equipment, vehicles and other property necessary for the implementation of the statutory tasks of the Union;
3.1.13. in accordance with the law, carry out business activities directly or through legal entities (companies, enterprises) created in accordance with the law, if such activity corresponds to the purpose (goals) of the public association and contributes to its achievement;
3.1.14. open accounts in national and foreign currencies in bank institutions;
3.1.15. to distribute information, promote their goals and ideas; publish scientific and methodical results of the organization's activities; to conduct informational and explanatory work;
3.1.16. to organize and conduct lectures, round tables, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, etc., consultations involving representatives of the public, state authorities and local self-government, experts from various fields of social life, including international;
3.1.17. develop draft decisions and conduct public examination of draft decisions;
3.1.18. to carry out educational and educational and methodical activities;
3.1.19. join unions and other associations created on a voluntary basis and contribute to the fulfillment of statutory tasks, including with foreign partners;
3.1.20. to exchange information, experience and specialists with organizations of foreign countries;
3.1.21. have their own symbols and use them in the manner determined by the legislation of Ukraine, popularize their name and symbols;
3.1.22. participate in the implementation of state regulatory policy in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the principles of state regulatory policy in the field of economic activity";
3.1.23. participate in the work of consultative, advisory and other auxiliary bodies formed by state authorities, authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and local self-government bodies in order to conduct consultations with public associations and prepare recommendations on issues , relating to their field of activity;
3.1.24. create and implement various projects, implement programs; to use other forms of activity that do not contradict the current legislation;
3.1.25. exercise other rights not prohibited by law.
4.1. Members (participants) of the Union participate in its activities on a voluntary basis.
4.2. Members (participants) of the Union may be legal entities under private law, including public associations with the status of a legal entity, natural persons who have reached the age of 18 and have not been recognized by a court as incompetent, and who support the purpose and tasks of the Union and recognize its Charter.
4.3. Admission to members of the Union is carried out on the basis of a personal application. Admission to the Union is carried out on the basis of an application of a legal entity under private law, which is signed by an authorized person who has the right to represent a legal entity in accordance with current legislation. A representative of a legal entity under private law participates in the activities of the Union on the basis of a power of attorney of a legal entity drawn up in accordance with current legislation.
The entrant's application is considered by the Board, which makes a decision in accordance with the procedure specified in the regulation on participation (membership) in the Union.
4.4. Rights of a member (participant) of the Union:
- elect and be elected to the governing bodies of the Union, participate in all events held by the Union;
- to participate in the work of permanent and temporary commissions created by decision of authorized bodies of the Union;
- freely criticize any body of the Union, submit objections and complaints about the decisions made by them to the Board and demand consideration of complaints at the General Meeting;
- apply to the bodies of the Union with requests and proposals on issues related to the activities of the Union, receive answers;
- appeal the decisions, actions, inaction of the governing bodies of the Union;
- apply to Union bodies for help in protecting their rights and legitimate interests.
4.5. Participants (members) of the Union are obliged to:
- comply with the provisions of the Union's Charter;
- to implement decisions of the governing bodies of the Union;
- to pay the entrance and membership fees in a timely manner in the amounts and terms established by the Board of the Union;
- to contribute to the implementation of the tasks of the Union;
- participate in events held by the Union.
4.6. Participation (membership) in the Union is terminated in the following cases:
- withdrawal from the Union at one's own will;
- exclusion from the Union.
4.7. A participant (member) of the Union may be excluded from the Union by the decision of the Board, in connection with the violation of the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine, this Statute, or if the activity of the participant (member) contradicts the purpose and tasks of the Union, or if the participant (member) has lost contact connection with the Union without valid reasons, or for systematic non-payment of membership fees.
5.1. The governing bodies of the Union are: the Conference, the Board, the Chairman of the Union.
Meetings of the governing bodies of the Union (Conferences, Boards, Chairmen) can be held both with the direct participation of members (delegates) or their authorized representatives by proxy, and with the help of Internet communication using audiovisual computer programs of online conferences.
The decision on the form of holding such a meeting is taken by the Board of the Union or the head of the relevant management body, and the members of the Union are notified of the decision made no later than 10 days before the specified date of such meeting.
Any meeting of management bodies shall be recorded in minutes. The form of the meeting must be specified in the protocol: if the meeting was held via the Internet, the protocol must specify which computer program was used to conduct the meeting.
5.2. The conference is the highest body of the Union, which has the right to make decisions on any issues of its activity, including canceling the decisions of other bodies of the Union.
5.3. Delegates participate in the Conference. Each Conference delegate has one vote. The conference is considered valid if at least half of the total number of structural subdivisions and organizations of the Union are represented at it.
5.4. The Regular Conference is convened by the Board, but not less often than once every three years, and the report-election conference is convened once every five years. The conference considers the issues submitted for consideration by the Board, the Chairman of the Union, as well as the participants (members) of the Union.
5.5. Extraordinary Conferences are convened in the presence of circumstances that affect the essential interests of the Union by the Board or the Chairman of the Union, as well as in other cases provided for by this Statute and the legislation of Ukraine.
5.6. At least 10% of the participants (members) of the Union have the right to initiate the convening of an extraordinary Conference before the Board. If the demand of the participants (members) of the Union to convene the Conference is not fulfilled, these participants (members) have the right to convene the Conference themselves.
5.7. The exclusive competence of the Conference includes the resolution of the following issues:
5.7.1. Determination of the main directions of the Union's activities, approval of its plans and reports on their implementation.
5.7.2. Introduction and approval of changes and additions to the founding documents of the Union.
5.7.3. Approval of samples of seals, stamps, emblems, logos and other samples of Union requisites.
5.7.4. Making a decision to terminate the Union's activities.
5.7.5. Appointment of the liquidation commission, approval of the liquidation balance sheet.
5.7.6. Election of the Board of the Union and recall of the Board or individual members of the Board.
5.7.7. Election and recall of the Chairman of the Union.
5.7.8. Determination of the procedure and methods of realization of the right of ownership and control over its realization.
5.8. Decisions of the Conference are considered adopted if the majority of delegates voted for them. On the issues provided for in Clause 5.7.2 (amendments to the charter), Clause 5.7.4 (adopting a decision to terminate), the decision of the Conference is considered adopted if at least 3/4 of the delegates voted for it. Also, 3/4 of the votes make decisions regarding the alienation of the Union's property in the amount of fifty percent or more of the Union's property.
5.9. The conference adopts "Decisions". Decisions made by the Conference in compliance with the requirements of this Statute, internal documents and legislation of Ukraine are binding for all other governing bodies and organizations (members) of the Union.
5.10. The Conference is chaired by a person from among the members of the Union, elected by the Conference as the chairperson. The progress of the Conference is recorded. The minutes of the Conference are kept by the secretary, signed by the chairman and the secretary of the Conference.
5.11. The Board of the Union is the governing body of the Union for the period between Conferences, elected for a term of 3 years, which performs the functions of managing its current, organizational activities.
5.12. The Board is accountable to the Conference and organizes the implementation of their decisions. The Board acts on behalf of the Union within the limits stipulated by this Statute, internal documents and current legislation.
5.13. The head of the Board is the head of the Union.
5.14. The structure of the Board, its composition and the administrative functions of each of its members are approved by the Conference. The members of the Board are accountable to the Conference and are responsible to it for the activities of the Union and the proper performance of their official duties.
5.15. The competence of the Board includes:
5.15.1. Organization of the work of the Union and implementation of decisions of the Conference.
5.15.2. Convening the Conference and forming its agenda, preparation of materials on the agenda, preliminary consideration of all issues within the competence of the Conference and preparation of draft decisions on these issues for the Conference.
5.15.3. Preparation and submission of recommendations to the Conference on determining the main directions of the Union's activities, approval of plans and reports on their implementation, other proposals on the Union's activities.
5.15.4. Approval of the Union's current activity plans and measures necessary for their implementation;
5.15.5. Performance of certain functions related to property management by decision of the Conference.
5.15.6. Approval of the staff list of the Union, awarding of Union employees.
5.15.7. Resolution of other issues, except those related to the exclusive competence of the Conference.
5.16. The Chairman of the Union presides over the meetings of the Board.
5.17. All issues within the competence of the Management Board are resolved collegially at the meetings of the Management Board. The board holds regular and extraordinary meetings. Regular meetings are convened by the head of the Union, but not less often than once every 6 months. The members of the Management Board are notified of the time, place, and agenda of the meeting 10 days before its holding. Extraordinary meetings are convened by the Chairman of the Union at the initiative of a third of the members of the Board or directly at the request of the majority of the members of the Board. The meeting of the board is valid if the majority of its members are present.
5.18. Each member of the Management Board can take the initiative to make decisions on any issues within the competence of the Management Board.
5.19. The decision of the Board is considered adopted if the majority of the members of the Board voted for it.
5.20. The Chairman of the Union carries out operational management of the affairs, property and funds of the Union within the limits established by this Statute, the Conference and the Board and, within the limits of his competence and authority, ensures the implementation of their decisions.
5.21. The Chairman of the Union is appointed and dismissed by the Conference of the Union once every three years, is accountable to the Conference and the Board and has the right to make proposals on any aspect of the Union's activities for consideration by the Conference and the Board of the Union.
5.22. Head of the Union:
5.22.1. Acts on behalf of the Union without a power of attorney and represents the Union in its relations with other persons.
5.22.2. Issues orders, orders, other internal normative acts and documents of the Union;
5.22.3. Organizes document management, record keeping, accounting and reporting of the Union.
5.22.4. Accepts, transfers to another job, suspends and dismisses the employees of the Union, applies measures of encouragement and penalties to them, approves the job duties of the employees of the Union.
5.22.5. Establishes the forms, systems, and amounts of wages and bonuses for the Union's employees within the budget for the maintenance of administrative personnel.
5.22.6. Acts as manager of funds and property of the Union, concludes and signs economic and other contracts, contracts on behalf of the Union, issues powers of attorney for the right to perform actions and representation on behalf of the Union.
5.22.7. Organizes the preparation of the Board meeting.
5.22.8. Decides other issues of the Union's activity in accordance with the purpose and main tasks of its activity, attributed to its competence by the internal documents of the Union and this Statute, makes any other decisions on these issues or performs any other actions except those related to the competence of other bodies management of the Union, the Board and the Conference.
5.22.9. Reports on his work and the work of the Board to the delegates at the next Conference.
Reporting is carried out at the regular Conference. Extraordinary reporting is carried out at the request of at least one third of the members of the Union.
5.23. Revision Commission:
5.23.1. Monitors the activities of the Union. The audit commission is elected from the members of the union by the Conference, consisting of the head of the board and two members of the board for a term of three years and is accountable only to the Conference, and submits the results of the audits to it for approval.
5.23.2. All issues within the competence of the Audit Commission are resolved collegially at the meetings of the Audit Commission. The audit commission holds regular and extraordinary meetings. Regular meetings are convened by the head of the Audit Commission, but not less often than once a year. The members of the Audit Commission are notified of the time, place, and agenda of the meeting 10 days before its holding. Extraordinary meetings are convened by the Chairman of the Audit Commission at the initiative of a third of the members of the Board or directly at the request of the majority of the members of the Union.
5.23.3. Performs inspections on behalf of the Conference, the Board, on its own initiative or at the request of at least ½ of the members of the Union.
5.23.4. Has the right to demand and receive all necessary materials, accounting and other documents from the officials of the Union and its members.
5.23.5. Obliged to demand the convening of the Conference or the Board, if there is a significant threat to the activities of the Union, the interests of its members, as well as in case of detection of violations or abuses by the governing bodies of the Union or its members.
5.23.6. Members of the Board and the Executive Committee cannot be members of the Audit Commission, and its activities are regulated by the Regulations approved by the Board of the Union.
5.23.7. The powers of the Audit Commission include:
making proposals regarding the financial activities and use of the Union's assets;
drawing up conclusions on the financial activity and use of the Union's assets before the Conference approves annual budgets, balance sheets, financial and other reports of the Union's governing bodies;
conducting inspections of the Union's financial and economic activities;
provision of inspection and audit reports to the Conference for making relevant decisions;
initiating the convening of an extraordinary Conference;
approval of the annual activity plan of the Audit Commission.
5.23.8. The Audit Commission is headed by a chairman who:
manages the work of the Audit Commission;
convenes the Audit Commission for regular and extraordinary meetings;
signs the documentation prepared based on the results of the work of the Audit Commission.
5.23.9. The audit commission is authorized if the majority of its members participate in its work. Decisions are made by a majority vote of members of the Audit Commission present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the Chairman of the Audit Commission is decisive.
5.23.10. Members of the Audit Commission have the right to participate in the meeting of the Management Board of the Organization with the right of an advisory vote.
5.24. Executive Committee of the Union.
5.24.1 The executive body of the Union is the Executive Committee, which carries out the statutory tasks, regulatory documents of the Union, decisions of the Conference, the Board and resolves all issues of the Union's activities, except for those that fall under the exclusive competence of the Conference, the Board, the Chairman of the Union. The Chairman of the Executive Committee is accountable to the Chairman of the Union, the Conference and organizes the implementation of their decisions.
5.24.2. The Executive Committee is organized by the Management Board at the request of the Chairman of the Union. The Executive Committee is managed by the Chairman of the Executive Committee, who is appointed by the Chairman of the Union. The term of office of the Executive Committee and the Chairman of the Executive Committee is two years.
5.24.3. The Executive Committee carries out its activities in accordance with the Regulations approved by the Board of the Union.
5.24.4. The Chairman of the Executive Committee reports on the activities of the Executive Committee to the Board of the Union at the regular meeting of the Board.
5.25. Decisions, actions, inaction of the governing bodies of the Union may be appealed by a participant (member) of the Union.
5.25.1. Complaints about the decisions, actions, inaction of the Chairman of the Union, members of the Board of the Union, the chairman and/or members of the Executive Committee, the chairman and/or members of the Audit Commission may be submitted to the Board of the Union or referred to the Conference. In case of disagreement with the decision of the Board regarding the complaint, or other decisions, actions, inaction of the Board, the participant (member) may appeal them at the Conference.
5.25.2. Actions, inactions or decisions of the Conference can be appealed to the court, in accordance with the legislation in force at the time of appeal of such actions, inactions or decisions.
5.25.3. Decisions, actions (inaction) that can be appealed include decisions within the scope of management activities of the Union's governing bodies, as a result of which:
- the rights and/or legitimate interests or freedoms of a Union member (a group of Union members) are violated;
- obstacles have been created for the Union member to exercise his rights and/or legitimate interests or freedoms;
- duties were illegally assigned to a member of the Union or disciplinary responsibility was illegally applied to him.
6.1. The Union may have separate units that are not legal entities and are formed by decision of the Union Conference.
6.2. Separate subdivisions of the Union are governed by the Statute of the Union in their activities.
6.3. The heads of separate divisions of the Union are appointed by the head of the Union and act on the basis of a power of attorney. Heads of separate units must be members of the Union.
6.4. Separate units have the following powers:
6.4.1. Represent Unions within the territory to which their powers extend.
6.4.2. Implement the statutory goals and tasks of the Union within the territory to which their powers extend, in accordance with the powers granted by the decision of the Conference.
6.4.3. Work is carried out to attract new members (participants) using means not prohibited by the legislation of Ukraine.
6.5. The head of a separate unit has the right to:
6.5.1. To decide on the use of the name and symbols of the Union for the implementation of the Union's tasks.
6.5.2. Apply to the Union's governing bodies for assistance in implementing the Union's tasks.
6.5.3. To be present at the meeting of the Board of the Union (without the right to vote).
6.5.4. Address requests to the governing bodies of the Union.
6.6. The head of a separate unit is obliged to:
6.6.1. To comply with the requirements of the Charter of the Union.
6.6.2. To carry out decisions of the governing bodies of the Union that are legal and accepted within the requirements of the Union's Charter.
6.6.3. Do not allow actions aimed at violating the honor and dignity of members (participants) of the Union.
6.7. The activity of a separate unit may be terminated by its closure by decision of the Union Conference.
6.8. The authorized body on state registration issues informs about the closure of a separate division of the Union in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine.
6.9. The property and funds, which were assigned to the separate unit, after the termination of its activity, are transferred directly to the management of the Board until the decision on the distribution of property and funds is made by the Conference of the Union.
7.1. The union, in accordance with its statutory tasks, has the right to carry out international relations and activities in the manner provided by this Statute, the current legislation of Ukraine
7.2. International activity is carried out through participation in international projects, the work of international organizations, as well as other forms that do not contradict the legislation of Ukraine, norms and principles of international law.
7.3. When carrying out international activities, the Union enjoys the full range of rights and obligations of a legal entity.
7.4. Union:
- organizes the exchange of delegations, organizes tournaments, competitions, conferences, exhibitions, fairs with the participation of foreign partners, sends its representatives to participate in relevant events outside Ukraine;
- conducts research together with foreign organizations in accordance with the areas of its activity, publishes their results;
- implements other joint programs and projects with the participation of foreign partners and international organizations, which does not contradict the current legislation of Ukraine.
7.5. The union has the right to spend money on providing international aid, covering representative expenses (receiving and sending delegations, expenses for translators, paying bills, etc.), sending both its permanent employees and engaged specialists on paid business trips abroad as representatives of the organization to participate in educational and other events, participation in conferences, etc., taking into account the requirements of current legislation.
8.1. The union may own funds and other property necessary for carrying out its statutory activities.
8.2. The Union acquires ownership rights to funds and other property transferred to it by the participants (members) of the Union or the state, acquired from entry and membership fees, donated by citizens, enterprises, institutions and organizations (sponsors), as well as to property acquired at the expense of own funds or on other grounds not prohibited by law.
8.3. The property of the Union consists of funds or property received free of charge or in the form of irrevocable financial assistance or voluntary donations, including contributions from organizations (members) of the Union, other sources not prohibited by law.
8.4. The income or property of the Union is not subject to distribution among its founders or participants (members), officials and cannot be used for the benefit of any individual founder or participant (member) of such a non-profit organization, its officials (except for their wages and deductions for social activities).
8.5. The Union has the right to have sponsors who can make voluntary donations for the benefit of the Union in monetary or other form.
8.6. The union is responsible for its obligations with all property owned by it. Participants (members) of the Union are not responsible for the obligations of the Union.
8.7. The union is obliged to keep operational and accounting records, statistical reporting, register with the state tax inspection bodies and make taxes and payments to the budget in the order and in the amounts prescribed by law.
8.8. State control over the activities of the Union is carried out by state bodies in accordance with the procedure provided for by the legislation of Ukraine.
9.1. The procedure for making changes and additions to the charter is determined by the charter and current legislation of Ukraine.
9.2. Changes and additions to this Statute are approved by a decision of the Conference, if at least 3/4 of the Conference delegates voted for it. The authorized registration body is notified of changes made to the statutory documents.
10.1. The union was formed and registered in accordance with the procedure defined by the law regulating the activity of the corresponding non-profit public association;
10.2. Termination of the Union's activities is carried out by self-dissolution or reorganization by joining a public association of the same status, or by a court decision on the prohibition (forced dissolution) of the Union.
10.3. Termination of the activity of a public association with the status of a legal entity has the effect of terminating the legal entity.
10.4. The union has the right to decide at any time to terminate its activity (self-dissolution).
10.5. The decision on self-dissolution of the Union is adopted by the Conference, if 3/4 of the delegates voted for it. At the Conference, a liquidation commission is created or the Board is instructed to exercise the powers of the liquidation commission to terminate the Union as a legal entity, as well as make decisions on the use of funds and property of the Union after its liquidation in accordance with the Statute.
10.6. Reorganization of the Union is carried out by the decision of the Conference, if at least 3/4 of the delegates voted for it. Reorganization of the Union is carried out by its joining another public association of the same status on the basis of the decision of the Union to terminate its activities by joining another association and the decision of the public association to which it joins on consent to such joining.
10.7. The procedure and legal consequences of the termination of the Union's activities through self-dissolution or reorganization or prohibition (forced dissolution) of the Union are determined in accordance with the current legislation.
10.8. In case of liquidation of the Association, its assets cannot be redistributed among the participants (members) of the Association, and must be transferred to one or more non-profit organizations of the corresponding type or included in the budget income, unless otherwise provided by the law regulating the activities of the relevant non-profit organization.
10.9. The union cannot be reorganized into another organization whose purpose is to make a profit.
11.1 The union is formed and registered in accordance with the procedure defined by the law regulating the activity of the corresponding non-profit public association.
11.2. The constitutive documents contain a ban on the distribution of received income (profits) or their part among the founders, participants (members) of the Union, employees (except for payment of their labor, calculation of a single social contribution), members of management bodies and other related persons.
11.3. In case of termination of activity (clause 10.2 of the Statute) - the founding documents of the Union provide for the transfer of assets to one or more non-profit organizations of the appropriate type or enrollment in the budget income.
Ivan Ivanovych Derda